Sunday, August 30, 2009

Three weeks and where to start

Sorry it has been so long since my last post for those of you that are still following. It ended up being the first Harry Potter movie that I watched on Heather's birthday, the three of us sat with popcorn and relaxed. Midterms went well thankfully.

Rogue has slowly made a complete recovery, so much so that when I get home at night she jumps up and bounces her front paws off of my belly. It makes me wonder just how long that toe had bothered her, and if it wasn't for Mary bringing it to my attention about her nail what could have happened. (Thank you again Mary.) It also makes you wonder just what all your dogs (pets) go through without complaint that we never know about. It seems as if they know that once we have acclimated as a pack we humans need them more than what they need us, and do whatever needs to be done to give us that comfort, no matter the cost to themselves.

I think of Gambit with that last comment. My big buddy that would annoy the crap out of Heather and I by getting in our faces giving us kisses or jumping in between us on the couch or on the bed to snuggle, or how he would start barking anytime Heather and and I would hug or snuggle and he wasn't involved. My big buddy that when Heather was sick, toned down and just snuggled her giving her love and comfort as she laid in the bed or sat on the couch as Jubie would guard them both. My big buddy who went through two major surgeries of his own to remove cancer kept bouncing back ahead of schedule. My big buddy that through all the years no matter how annoying, or obnoxious he could be did nothing but give his heart to us. Helped me through those first two months with his love just like the other two until his heart had nothing else to give and it was my time to repay him and let him go free that July night.

I truly believe that right now I can hear Heather's voice telling Gambit to get down, Spike to get out of the trash, and Spalding to leave the curtains alone. That would be heaven.

Work is crazy hardly leaving me with anytime to get done what I need to, let alone for myself or the pooches. The turn around at my location is almost complete and things should slowly come back to normal soon. It dawned on me today as I started laundry, that for the last few weeks laundry has primarily consisted of uniforms and underwear. (I need to make more free time lol).

I saw a commercial for the return of DWTS the other night and it got to me, for a couple reasons. If it wasn't for Heather, I wouldn't know or care what Dancing With The Stars was, and the other is that Heather passed on one of the final nights of the show. We came home that night after saying goodbye to her at the morgue doors, toasted her and watched the show.

Then the thought of a new TV season around the corner. It has already been a little rough when watching "True Blood" because that was one of Heather's shows that she couldn't wait to see after reading the book series, I still find myself looking to her side of the couch occasionally while I watch it. There will be many moments like that coming up I am sure each to be taken in stride I guess.

Twenty-one days and counting, 9-19-9, would have been our tenth wedding anniversary. A Saturday night to celebrate as long as there are no hurricanes in the region. But then again it would be appropriate I guess considering that we were married during Hurricane Floyd. Even though it really didn't do anything here it did have an affect on those trying to get here. Maybe a touch of Indian food will be in order for the night, finished off with a mango lase. (something else that would make Heather rub her tummy and go mmmmmm).

I took the girls to the vet yesterday to get there nails trimmed, and as usual they both had the girls working ooo-ing and ahhh-ing over how sweet they are (brats). And they were very pleased to see how Rogue has recovered from her toe removal. They did notice that Rogue's "dissolving" sutures had not dissolved yet so they had Dr. Tom come in and take a look. Snip snip, and gone Dr. Tom was in and the stitches were out. We chatted for a bit he asked how she was getting around and commented on how good she looked, then I treated the girls to a McDonald's hash brown on the way home.

Well I hear the dryer going off will write sooner next time.

Me and the crew

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Good Day For Celebrating

Today started by going to bed last night. I mounded the pillows on Heather's side of the bed and in the place where her stomach would have been. For the first time since she has left I fell asleep in what had been my usual position, 90 degree with my head on and arms around the pillows a I fell asleep on Heather night after night.

I woke up this morning around 5:45 and laid in bed with Jubie for awhile as Rogue lied in her dog bed. The first that I hummed happy birthday as I thought of her birthday's past. I rose, let out the girls then fed them breakfast and got dressed. I then set out to Starbucks to begin today's activities. The barista/manager that always has remembered my name was there, and she greeted me as always with her pleasant voice, "Hello Scott your drink today?" I choked as I responded by ordering a chai with banana bread and then my drink and pastry. She stopped and quizzically looked up at me and with eyes watering I choked out that Heather would have been 48 today. Her jaws clinched as she nodded and finished my order. I managed to hold back the tears from streaming as I walked out the door got in my car and came home. After I parked, I got out of the car with the banana bread and chai. I took the lid off of the chai and slung it through the garden and then tore the banana bread and threw it in the yard for the birds then went into the house upstairs and sang happy birthday to Heather.

I have not been feeling well the past few days so I decided to go to a "doc in a box" and found out that I have bronchitis and an inner ear infection which has put a damper on seeing a movie with my friend or by myself but let the rest of the day continue.

Why is it that when there is actually someone that you want to talk to that calls you are in the bathroom? Well again that happened today. It was Heather's dad, I called him back and we chatted a bit about Heather and the day. And why is it someone else always has the better ideas also? And during our conversation Williard let out "maybe some celebratory Italian is in order for today?" And here I was just thinking of chocolate cake with white frosting. Next I Called my folks and hearing the tears in my mothers voice as she asked how I was doing and how she had "talked" to Heather today and wished her a happy birthday. Now for the easy part of the ethics midterm (ha).

Printing off my notes, assignments, and previous quiz, I set the oven timer for 2 hours 30 minutes, then printed off a hard copy of the exam and the three hour race was on. Inspiration or preparedness but I completed the exam in less than 90 minutes and turned it in and scored 88. Not the best but beats the hell out of the 64 I scored on my quiz and was able to argue to a 76 now with a secure and strong upper B for the class I was satisfied with the day so far.

Now hunger began to set in and the words spoken by Williard bouncing around in my head. That right, the cake could wait and a call to Frank's it was. Eggplant, calamari, and tirimisu it was and twenty minutes later I had three of Heather's favorites sitting in front of me. For those of you who were here you know just how tasty it was (big full tummy smile to you all lol).

As I enter this post Doctor Who is on, and after that I will play a Harry Potter or X-Men movie. All in all it has been a good day for celebrating, wish you were here to enjoy it with me wifey, love you.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Wifey

48 years ago tomorrow, Heather Annette Henry was born in San Francisco. 36 years later she was a faceless penpal from Minnesota. A year later she was sitting next to me as we started our life together. A year after that we were married with the world ahead of us. Five days shy of four months ago tomorrow Heather moved on to her next destination.

I found out today that the author of the letter that I read at Heather's celebration has vacationed in Chester California for the last 30 years. Heather and she may have actually met and just reunited through her blog. I told her today in an e-mail that the next time she goes to Chester to look up Heather's dad and second mom and maybe they could share some time together. Small world isn't it?

Tomorrow I will wake up. I will go to Starbucks and order a Chai. I will come home hold Heather and sing happy birthday to her. I will find a piece of chocolate cake with white frosting and eat it. I will take my last midterm and I may see a movie with a friend and if not I will go and see Harry Potter by myself. I will again celebrate Heather's life.

Though I may be without her presence, I will always be with her essence.

Happy Birthday Wifey we love you.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Finally Some Really Good News

I am still sitting at work but I received a very good voice mail today. Dr. Gary had called and left a message that Three Toe Ro (Rogue of course) pathology came back that all markers are clear! Yes finally some really concrete good news! Thank you all for your support.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

almost there

FYI on those who are following Rogue's progress. Today Rogue is almost back to her normal walk, its the simple things that can make you smile remember that.

Have a great day everyone.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Rogue-Date part 2.................A Year Ago and Today

First lets talk about Miss Rogue, I took her to see Dr.Szavik today to have her bandage removed and see how her foot is healing. Needless to say Rogue was not too cooperative once in the hospital to go to a room. But once we got her to get out of her hound dog hunker down she made everyone chuckle by going straight to the scale to be weighed. Come on now lets be honest, how many women go straight to the scale to get weighed lol (no offense intended). We went into the exam room, Rogue stepped on the hydraulic table and Dr. Gary lifted her up and with my arm around her neck as she panted, Dr. Gary took off her bandage. No swelling, no redness, no odor, things are looking really good. We still have not heard from the lab on the results of the biopsy from the toe that was removed but right now all is looking good. Though still limping, it has subsided some also i think mainly from having the bandage removed and more freedom to her ankle. She still needs to be leashed walked when going out but that is such a small thing to deal with in the grand scheme of the world right now. She has a happy puppy face on now with her head squared, and her ears blocked out and tongue hanging, just need time to take its course for her to heal completely and hope that the labs come back clean. YAY Rogue!

What were you doing a year ago today? Do you remember? August 1 2008, it was a Friday, we were getting ready for a new menu roll out at the restaurant that I was managing and I was joking with my morning staff on what I was going to get Heather for her birthday. There were serious suggestion, smart ass ones, ones that would make a sailor blush, and some just damn stupid. I was stumped had absolutely no idea what to get her, I had no idea how the next few days were going to turn out. That following Monday (8-4-8) I broke my foot and joked how it was at least something that she wouldn't expect. That led to two surgeries, almost 4 months out of work most without pay, to only find out Heather's diagnosis the week before returning. How things can happen and snow ball is amazing.

Here it is again August first, and again I am stumped on what I am going to do on Heather's birthday all for another reason. The thought has been in the back of my head for at least two weeks now. Sometimes I smile and think of what we had done in the past, other times I sit with a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat just lost as to what to do. Heather would have turned 48 next Sunday, I would have joked about her closing in on senior status, maybe getting a cane or a walker for her. But at least she would have been her to joke with. I can still joke to myself that she will be one of if not the only member of AARP never to hit 50 (auto membership when I joined last year). Maybe I will buy two tickets and go and see Harry Potter finally.

I have completed what I think is the last major administrative issues since Heather's passing. I finally closed on the refinance of the house yesterday. After close to almost 3 months and too many glitches to go into I finally sat at a desk and signed on the dotted line. Even the closing had its own unique issues to boot. Not going into great detail but the ladies at the branch waited with me after close on a Friday night so that the I could still meet the notary bringing the paper work, and Ginger sat with me for moral support and to lock up after as I signed the documents. (thank you Ginger and ladies at BoA for all your help and support) I was relived because the ordeal was finally over, but depressed also. It was a little more than 9 years ago that Heather and I sat down, smiling and excited, to sign the paper work giving us this house and now I sat there signing my name and my name only on the document. I stared at each page with that thought in my mind as I signed them. It seemed as if so much pressure had been removed, yet I would gladly accept it all again if things were different.

Thank you all for your support

Scott, Jubilee, (three toe) Rogue, rabbit, toad, squirrels and chipmunk